Monday, November 10, 2014

The choices we make

When I was in high school I was in a student group called Direct Action that took action to effect change. We shoveled driveways or raked lawns for people who were not able to do it themselves, we helped with controlled burns on the prairie, we handed out lunches to the homeless in Chicago, we cooked dinners at homeless shelters and basically helped out where ever a helping hand was needed. I met some incredible people, and while I heard some harrowing stories, I saw people overcome adversity and still have hope.

Never doubt what passionate, creative and freaking smart high school students can do. We also started the recycling program at our high school. The school was not very enthusiastic by our recycling efforts and we had to set up all of the cans, collect all of the recycling and bring it down to the basement by ourselves. We did this because we saw the amount of waste heading to our landfill and we sought to divert it.

I tell this story because it is only one step on my lifelong path of trying to effect change.

Krusheska and I looked long and hard at what was important to us in life. Meandering Design is made up of the guiding principles that reflect the values of our business, which are: sustainability, community and respect for human rights. We incorporate these ethics into our life and our business. They are what allow us to live a life full of passion, creativity, and curiosity.

Enter your email here and receive a copy of our "Awesome Manifesta", full of tips and how to's that will set you on a passionate, creative and curiosity filled path. Quarterly you'll receive sweet goodness with DIY tips and tricks. 

Originally published 1/5/14

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