Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cleaning Up

I am so close to being done with my mini living room revamp. I have most of the pretty changes made and once I finish painting one of my old sewing machine tables, which acts as a bar, I can do a full reveal. 

Have you ever walked into a room and you kind of wanted to turn around and walk out? There are a few simple changes you can make that can change the feeling of a space. The biggest change is to clean it. I continuously return to the book Apartment Therapy: The 8 Step Home Cure because I like that they give you a step by step plan to rehab, not just the bones of your home, but the feelings your home evoke. 

Part of my revamp was to add some life to the room in the form of plants, which makes a huge difference, add some texture, paint my table and clean up the tv wires. As I am nearing the end of this process I decided to give the room a deep clean. 

I was sick of how dirty the windows were and thanks to HGTV I realized that I can pop my windows open. The bottom pane can lean into the room so you can reach the outside and I can slide the top pane down and lean it into the room to clean it. It took me about an hour and it made such a huge difference in the room. 

Sometimes you don't need to change the layout or buy new pillows, sometimes you may just need to clean. 

Originally published 9/17/14

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