Sunday, June 17, 2012

Noued Papillon


I love the word for bow tie in French, noued papillon. Papillon means butterfly and it just fits the image of bow ties. Ever since I saw the Earl of Grantham wearing a very unique bow tie on Downton Abby I was intrigued. I started researching bow ties and after much digging I found out that the Earl had been wearing a batwing bow tie. The shape of the tie is a bit different and it looks quite striking. Here's 007 wearing one.

Instead of having the same shape on each side as a bow tie, the batwing bow tie has a straight edge at one end and is tied differently.

Someone requested a plaid bow tie and I could not find a good plaid. I was looking at thrift stores at old ties (that can be remade into bow ties) and still I could not find anything. Even at the gigantic fabric warehouse I could not find what I was looking for. Then as I was looking through my piles I found two men's shirts that I had cut up to reuse and they were both a striking colorful plaid. I think that I was so set on silk that I wasn't even looking at cotton, even though it was right in front of me.

This fabric is waiting to be cut.

I've cut the fabric and I need to sew it up.

Um, anyone know how to tie a bow tie?

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