Friday, November 4, 2011


I am currently making things and giving them away for free. I know it sounds crazy, but there is a method to my madness. First, I need to make a mock up of ideas in my head and see what works or what doesn't work and then write down a pattern. I have to say the bulk of the crocheting and sewing I have done has been done off the cuff. If I am going to make more then one though, I need to be able to recreate my creations. My other hope is that people will see my work and covet it for themselves.

This little beauty, which is being modeled by Mrs. Bertha Palmer,  is the loop de loop neck warmer.

I started it while watching horror movies on Halloween so I would not have to pay attention to the blood and gore on the screen. It was a good diversionary tactic, but while crocheting in the dark I did not realize how long it was. This one is a little too long and three loops is bit excessive. Next one will be shorter at only two loops, but a bit thicker. It is going to a classmate of mine and I hope it helps her stay fashionably toasty this winter.

This divine bit of fluff is the infinity loop. It is another thing I just kind of made up and hope I can recreate. It is going to another friend of mine. While I hope it keeps her warm, I also hope that people who see how glorious it looks on her will want one of their own. Now you see don't you my pretties.

Here is a closeup so you can see how interesting that stitch is. I kinda just made it up. There is a thing called a double triple stitch. So, I kept adding a loop around the needle. I just looked up the double triple, or double treble as it is called and there is another stitch called a treble treble, which is apparently what I did. Regardless what its name is, it makes a relatively open weave and has a very geometric interesting design.  Below is a closeup of the treble treble infinity loop. Say that three times real fast.

Thank goodness I fell in love with Mrs. Bertha Palmer at the Chicago Antique Market. If I did not bring her home with me you all would have to come and be my model so I could take pictures. Speaking of pictures, my new iPhone takes really good pictures, but it would help if I waited to take them in the day time. I just could not wait to share. 

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